you are part of the cosmic lattice

You are a Drop in the Galactic Ocean

Any whole is the sum of its parts. But is the whole characterized by the values and behavior of its parts? Or is the whole a synergistic product of its parts, which is different and has a character of its own.

Our life is a sum of who we are, what we want to be, where we want reach, how we achieve our goals. Our life is also shaped by family and friends around us, their behavior and characters.

Are we a reaction to their being or do we assert our own individuality?

What if these parts are diametrically opposite to each other and pull us in different directions.

What if one strong part threatens to obliterate the very existence of another part or parts?

We need to find that whole within us. Ourselves. We need to decide and define what we want to be, how we want to be. And then mould the parts to fit in the jigsaw that completes the whole having the characteristics we want.

Life should be a zero-sum game of its parts to maintain equilibrium of the soul.

If one part pulls us in one direction, the other parts should be able to pull us back to the centre of our being.

But will we always be able to do this? No, it is very difficult. Because these parts have a vibrant life of their own. Besides being a part of our life they are parts of other lives as well. That’s the way cosmic pattern and God’s design is.

No one part, however large, small or miniscule, is independent. It is interwoven with other big or small parts. Even if we think we are complete in ourselves, we are but a small part of the huge cosmic pattern.

We have to maintain our individuality while being part of this cosmic lattice.

We are not isolated and cannot be. But still we have to find completion within ourselves to find the peace that empowers us to lead a full life. A complete whole life.