What if I fail in my 1st yr. dance exam?

What if I fail in my drawing test?

What if I forget the poem on stage?

What if I forget my dialogues mid-way through the performance?

These are but a few of the doubts my 6 ½ yr old daughter has voiced in the recent weeks. This tells me two things about her. One, she can now foresee the near future that is the effect of her present actions. She doesn’t solely live in her present. Two, she has begun to analyse what she does, or is expected to do. I guess she is past that blissful age where one is not concerned about the outcome of one’s actions.

On the face of it, my daughter is a very carefree child. She never thinks before speaking, she never waits a second before reacting to any situation. We all tend to always tell her to think before saying or doing anything (as if we grownups do!!!). So, these are instances where I realize that she is growing up, evolving a personality of her own, a thinking pattern that’s unique to her. And it is at times like these that I am reminded of the great responsibility I shoulder as a mother – to help her develop a positive thinking, smart personality, bold outlook, sharing and caring attitude, etc. etc. etc. The list is endless and God be with both of us.