Weekend is one time that everyone looks forward to. If you are a working professional, you look forward to relaxing and unwinding. If you are a student, you want some uninterrupted time at your favourite game/book/hobby. If you are a retired person, you enjoy having your family around you. The one thing that should be on everyone’s mind is getting refreshed enough to be ready for the next week. Here are ways in which I do that.

Lazing Around in the Morning Sun

Yes, I actually get up almost at the same time (5 am) as I do on the weekend. The difference is that I sit in the balcony with a warm cup of drink and do nothing. I hear the birds chirping, see the flowers of my garden opening up and all worries seem to vanish in thin air. It’s fun observing people out for their walks, especially if you happen to catch some phrases of their animated conversation.

Playing with the Kids on Sunday Evening

Why do I point out Sunday evening? Because that’s the time the next week starts making its comeback and you actually don’t want to spoil your weekend. I play with my kids; rather join them in their game. I do what they want me to and often end up doing silly things that let me become a child again – devoid of all worldly problems.

Reading a Book or Two

I make it a point to read some book or short story. If I don’t have anything new, I make do with the old ones. Classics like Prodigal Daughter and Prizes are books I have read uncountable times. My husband can’t understand if I am up till late to “finish” them as I have already finished them so many times!!!

I can’t say that I am able to do all these on all my weekends, but try to squeeze in as much as possible. This reminds me that this Sunday evening is to be spent in preparing my daughter for her assessment next week!! But then may be next Sunday whole day could be a long-drawn game with whole family playing their parts. More on that in some other post!!